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Gila Resources Information Project
Gila Resources Information Project2 hours ago
A few weeks ago, we went out to Agave Arroyo to see how our stream restoration work was doing with the rain we had. Check out this video with GRIP contractor Van Clothier of Stream Dynamics and see how the check dams are working to slow down storm water, prevent erosion that is undermining the Town's sewer line, and to recharge groundwater. Stream Dynamics built more than 50 check dams in Agave Arroyo as part of GRIP's River Stewardship project funded by New Mexico Environment Department. Stay tuned for more updates on our work. #grip #riverstewardship #checkdams #update #rain #agavearroyo
Gila Resources Information Project
Gila Resources Information Project
Gila Resources Information Project4 days ago
We urgently need to plan now for a future with dramatically less water supply. The ISC is holding open house sessions across the state and will be in Silver City on Tuesday, July 23rd from 3pm - 7pm at the Veterans Memorial Business and Conference Center to gather input from residents in the Southwest NM Water Planning Region on what the regional water planning process should look like, residents' priority concerns and challenges, and other specific questions that will shape the overall planning process. Get your voice heard!
Gila Resources Information Project
Gila Resources Information Project1 week ago
GRIP is hiring a new program associate! We are looking for a passionate, self directed, and organized professional who is committed to environmental protection and restoration, does that sound like you or someone you know? If so, head over to #grip #silvercity #openjob #position #associate #apply #newmexico #restoration #protection


GRIP works in communities, in the courts, and in the state legislature

to protect community health, our environment, and natural resources.

Together, we can secure a healthy future for everyone!


GRIP serves as a watchful guardian of our environment in southwest New Mexico. We keep an eye on activities with the potential to harm community health and our environment, such as polluting mining operations, unsustainable water use, and ecologically harmful projects. In response, we bring technical, policy and legal expertise to protect our land, air, water, public lands and wildlife. By facilitating informed public participation, we engage the public in natural resource use decisions and stewardship of our natural systems.


We work to protect community health and our natural resources by
ensuring responsible operation and reclamation of the region’s mines, by fostering resiliency and water security in the face of the climate crisis, and by saving our special natural areas and public lands for future generations.



We defend human and ecological health by using technical, policy and legal expertise to uphold safeguards of our water, air, land, and natural systems.



We engage our community to take action to protect our environment, public health, and unique wild places through educational events and stewardship programs




There are lots of ways to get involved with GRIP and help us safeguard community health by protecting our environment and natural resources. At the same time, you’ll learn skills, meet new friends, and feel good about contributing to our community!

  • Volunteer on specific projects such as water quality monitoring, trash cleanup, environmental education; review mining permit applications or project environmental impact assessments; and administrative tasks.
  • Volunteer for events, such as Earth Day, World Water Day, and the Gila River Festival.
  • Contribute some of your creativity to help us achieve our mission, such as photographs, articles, or art work.

2022 Gila Resources Information Project

website by SMARTNPRO