Save the Date: Gila Earth Day April 23, 2022
Mark your calendars for the Gila Earth Day celebration on Saturday, April 23, 2022!
For more than 50 years, Earth Day has inspired billions around the world to fight for a clean environment
and demand action on climate change. Gila Earth Day will continue the annual celebration here
locally with family-friendly, fun activities to help you do your part to protect our planet.
This year’s national theme is “Invest in Our Planet” and will focus on working together to solve the climate crisis, and choose BOTH a prosperous and sustainable future, restore nature and build a healthy planet for our children and their children.
Depending on the status of the pandemic, we hope to return to Gough Park this year with local
organizations and vendors. This is an opportunity to get plugged into local groups who are
working hard to protect our environment and wild places.
To reserve a booth space for your business, organization or school, register here:
Volunteers can participate in Covid-safe Earth Day projects, such as a community-wide trash
cleanup and planting projects in Big Ditch Park. Keep your eyes peeled for more details!
Additionally, we are organizing a Found Object Art Contest for area students, elementary
through high school. The found objects may be man-made or from nature, and works of art can
be in any form, but will preferably be portable. Contestants may have their artwork shown on the
GRIP website and/ or in social media posts, as well as displayed at the Gila Earth Day
celebration. Prizes will be awarded to the best elementary, middle school, and high school
submissions, decided by a panel of judges.
If you’d like to be a monetary sponsor, click on Donate, and choose Earth Day as the Purpose.
Sponsorship funds help to defray the costs of advertising, which means we can reach more
people. This increases the number of people taking action locally by keeping our roadways,
streams, and watershed clean, and globally to protect our planet and species.
We invite you to join us to help plan this year’s festivities. The planning committee meets once a
month for 1 hour, beginning on Friday, January 14 at 2 pm. Anyone with ideas, energy, and/or
enthusiasm for the celebration is welcome, no experience necessary! For more information
about Gila Earth day 2022, or to participate in this year’s celebration planning, please contact
Doyne Wrealli at or through Facebook@GilaEarthDay