Grant County is home to two of the nation’s five largest open-pit copper mines, the Chino/Cobre and Tyrone mines, responsible for ongoing groundwater contamination, aquifer depletion, wildlife impacts, and the destruction of precious riparian areas.
Since 1998, GRIP has raised awareness of these issues and mobilized residents to voice their opinions at hearings and in letters to newspapers and decisionmakers.
As a result of these efforts and the support of environmental groups statewide, the Tyrone and Chino/Cobre mines have two of the nation’s best reclamation plans, backed by over $500 million in financial assurance.
As a partner in the New Mexico Mining Act Network, GRIP defends the NM Mining Act and Water Quality Act from industry rollback attempts. Ongoing activities include monitoring the environmental impacts of Grant County mines under operational permits, oversight of permitting of the proposed Copper Flat mine in Hillsboro and American Magnesium dolomite mine in Deming.