50th Anniversary of Earth Day Goes Digital
In response to the COVID-19 outbreak, Earth Day organizers across the planet will unite as part of the first “Digital Earth Day,” a global digital mobilization to address the most urgent threats to people and planet.
Gila Earth Day will be participating in this virtual event on Wednesday, April 22, the 50th anniversary of Earth Day. In an effort to provide a variety of local content for streaming live over the internet, we invite participants to provide us with up to 5 minutes of digital content, whatever they wish to share with the community. Techno-savvy host(s) will introduce these pre-recorded presentations for live streaming. The material will also be available for viewing any time after the virtual event.
We’re leaving “presentations” intentionally vague. This could be film from your phone showing what your organization does, like bird banding, for example. If you’re selling goods, it could be an advertisement of those goods, and when/where/how they are available in these restricted times. Share a slideshow of a pollinator-friendly garden and the pollinators that benefit from your efforts. Be creative and make it fun and visually interesting!
If you’re in need of inspiration, here are some topical subjects: 50th anniversary of Earth Day, climate action, local resilience, COVID-19 and the climate crisis, citizen science, Foodprints (the measure of the environmental impacts associated with the growing, producing, transporting, and storing of our food), planting trees, global cleanups, and Artists for the Earth. We’ll be sending you an online registration form soon.
We would like to organize a trash cleanup around our region, assigning stretches of road or river and/or areas to a specific individual or family in order to abide by social distancing guidelines. During our Gila Earth Day celebration, we could broadcast your selfie or film showing how much you collected. Stay tuned for more details!
The Planning Committee is working hard to ensure that our local Gila Earth Day celebration happens, despite these public health challenges. We appreciate your ongoing patience and flexibility. Please let us know if you have ideas.
Please contact Gila Earth Day coordinator Doyne Wrealli at earthendoyne@gmail.com or 575.297.9734.